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Pros and Cons of Using a Dehumidifier20 Aug

Do I Really Need A Dehumidifier?

Are you having a difficult time making a decision as to whether or not you need a dehumidifier?

You are not alone. Even though most people desire to have a lower moisture content in their home, they may still be uncertain about going through with their plan to purchase a dehumidifier. Hopefully, by going through this article, which highlights some of the pros and cons of installing a dehumidifier, you may be better placed in terms of making a decision.


Significant Improvement in Air Quality

High indoor humidity is known to cause discomfort. Imagine the last time you were in a room with humidity levels exceeding 80%. Or better yet, think of how challenging it can be to spend an entire day in a musty, humid basement.

By controlling humidity levels, you can significantly improve the air quality of your home. That is because the physiological body functions such as breathing and sweating may occur more naturally. Aside from that, a room with lower moisture content often feels cooler and more comfortable, even on a hot summer afternoon.

Prevents Mold Growth

Molds is notorious for thriving in damp, humid conditions. Its growth in homes can spell doom to homeowners, especially if they are not managed in a timely manner. This is because they form unsightly patches on walls and other surfaces where they grow. Considering that they reproduce using spores, it is safe to assume that any household is at risk of having mold growth. However, by maintaining low air moisture in your homes, you can be sure that mold growth will be kept at bay.

Allergy Control

The risk of experiencing an allergic reaction when living in a damp environment is relatively high. That is because excess moisture is known to promote mold growth, which exacerbates allergies. During reproduction, mold releases spores into the air, and when inhaled, it can trigger a myriad of respiratory complications such as sinusitis, allergies, and asthma attacks.

Similarly, dust mites, which thrive in an environment with excess moisture, are associated with other respiratory issues such as hay fever. Its symptoms include persistent sneezing and a runny nose.

Protection of Woodwork and Home Finishes

Wood is usually sensitive to changes in moisture. This material is known to absorb or lose moisture depending on the surrounding atmospheric conditions. Continuous absorption of moisture can cause the wooden surfaces to warp or heave. At the same time, if it suddenly loses its moisture, it can shrink and result in cracking.

Excess moisture on walls is also known to cause the paint to peel off, since the moisture can affect the adhesion of paint or wallpaper. With time, unsightly patches may form, and the costly repainting process must begin.



Even though is usually sensitive to changes in moisture. This material is known to absorb or lose moisture depending on the surrounding atmospheric conditions. Continuous absorption of moisture can cause the wooden surfaces to warp or heave. At the same time, if it suddenly loses its moisture, it can shrink and result in cracking.

Excess moisture on walls is also known to cause the paint to peel off, since the moisture can affect the adhesion of paint or wallpaper. With time, unsightly patches may form, and the costly repainting process must begin.


When dehumidifiers are running, they generate warm air which is blown out from the back of the dehumidifier. That may be beneficial during winter, but on a warm afternoon, it may cause the room’s temperature to elevate slightly.

To control the amount of heat generated, you may opt to position the dehumidifier near a doorway or open window to dispel the warm air without allowing it to accumulate in the home.

Energy Consumption

Since dehumidifiers are powered by electricity, you may incur additional energy costs depending on the hours that it will be running. However, the energy bills may vary from one household to the next depending on the type of dehumidifier, its capacity, and the number of hours that it runs each day.


The Bottom Line

The ball is in your court to decide whether equipping yourself with a dehumidifier may be beneficial, or if it may be more of a nuisance. Once you are convinced that the moisture problems far outweigh the disadvantages of owning the device, you can contact a reputable company such as Uni-P Dry for a chance to have a free consultation with an expert. Alternatively, you can choose to browse through our website at www.unipdry.com. The site includes a wealth of free resources and information to help you on this journey.