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How to Control Psoriasis27 Jul

Most individuals produce new skin cells in approximately a month’s time, while those with psoriasis typically grow new skin cells in just a few days. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes a slower shedding of skin cells, resulting in a buildup of red, itchy, scaly skin.

Studies show that about 10 percent of people with psoriasis inherit one or more genes that can cause the condition, but only 2 to 3 percent of people actually develop psoriasis.The two main factors of developing psoriasis are the inheritance of the gene, and exposure to a variety of external factors.

Psoriasis symptoms include itchy skin, red patches of skin covered with silvery scales, dry or cracked skin that sometimes bleeds, thickened, pitted or ridged nails, and stiff, swollen joints. It can be isolated to just a few spots, or it can cover a large portion of the body.

Psoriasis tends to show up in flares, with symptoms appearing for a few weeks or months, and then disappearing for a while until the next flare up. Others with the condition note that their disease goes into remission with no symptoms for very long periods of time.

Although psoriasis can be uncomfortable, there are many treatments to control the symptoms at home:

●Use a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air that could lead to bacterial growth.
●Soak in an epsom salt bath.
●Take dietary supplements.
●Change your diet.

If lifestyle changes do not provide relief, you may want to consider more advanced treatment options including:

●External creams and ointments.
●Medication that suppresses the immune system.
●Pulsed dye laser.