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How to Improve Indoor Air Quality of Restaurants During COVID-1906 Jul

COVID-19 has put a spotlight on infection prevention and air quality in restaurants, as restaurants were rated as one of the top 10 venues with the worst air quality. Thousands of restaurants can now operate legally, but customers are still reluctant to go back to dining out again.

Restaurants must do everything possible to reassure customers and staff, which means taking extra safety precautions to improve indoor air quality. Security measures today can be critical to a restaurant’s bottom line. A survey has found that more than 60 percent of adults say they will choose whether or not to eat at a restaurant based on its hygiene and safety practices. More consumers said they wanted restaurants to provide hand-washing stations, thoroughly clean high-contact surfaces frequently, and require workers to wear face masks.

The task of improving air quality has been highlighted as restaurants beef up their health and safety policies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also issued guidance on the need for increased ventilation. If a restaurant has a better ventilation system, customers are less likely to get infected with COVID-19 and other viruses. Not having adequate ventilation will have the opposite effect, putting hundreds of patrons at risk of infection.

Although restaurant owners understand the importance of ventilation, it is not economical to invest in a large number of new systems to make adjustments to the ventilation system in an economic recession. For many restaurant owners, it is wise to improve air quality by taking a multi-faceted, low-cost approach.
Restaurants must apply the latest air purification technology, such as an air scrubber, which removes all pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and molds from the air, and surfaces throughout the restaurant. In addition, these scrubbers can remove dust, allergens, smoke, odors, and other pollutants from both the air and surfaces. These new air purifiers can convert oxygen and humidity into superoxide ions and hydroperoxides, which essentially turns the air into a self-cleaner. They remove more than 99 percent of pollutants from the air and surfaces, kill pathogens that people might come into contact with, and destroy microbes in the air and surfaces.